
Monday, November 29, 2010

In the beginning...

    Alas, I have given in to the blog world. I always promised myself I wouldn't fool with this 'mess'... yet here I am. The fact that random people actually take interests in average peoples' lives is astonishing. I have to say, the only reason I have created this is simply from the flak I catch off of Facebook  posts. People tell me frequently that I make them laugh... or that I caused them to become filled with rage - no doubt my father's personality shining forth through me. Nonetheless I enjoy people coming up to me a day or so after a post to tell me how much it made them laugh.... or the inevitable 'I can't believe you actually said that in public!' Oh well. I can't make everyone happy. So tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your enemies. I want you to hear me and I want to hear from you.

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