
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gleek or Freak?

As if we didn't get enough high school drama in high school, we now invite it into our homes once a week. Given the songs sung each week are quite catchy and for the most part incredibly well known, the unrealistic drama and bizarre relationships these characters have created are borderline appalling. When you were fifteen were you randomly having revenge sex with fellow classmates? Were your teachers getting involved with your sex life? Were you able to randomly break out into a well-choreographed dance and song number within moments of just hearing what song you are going to be singing next week at sectionals? No... I don't think any of those things are what happened to you. People didn't treat gays like that in high school. Football players and cheerleaders didn't throw slushies in your face. The dramatization of all of that is pretty nauseating... I don't think any high school students life is this jarring physically or mentally. If the writers could bring the show down to a more realistic level and not so... cartoony, then bring on the seasons. But I don't know how much more I can watch if things keep on the way they are.

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